Posts Tagged “recipees”

Ingredients: 1/2 Pink Grapefruit, 1 Mango, 1/4 Papaya, 1/4 Cantaloupe, 1 cup Organic Baby Kale, 8 Baby Carrots, juice of 1 lime & 2 Oranges. Instructions: Chop all ingredients. Juice the lime squeezing into the blender. Juice the Oranges into the blender Blend all toguether until smooth. Add Ice Blend again Serve and enjoy! …

Food is the best medicine for relief from stress, anxiety, sleep issues, and acid reflex. Coconut milk adds a silky creaminess and the right amount of healthy fats so you’ll feel satiated, while lacuma, a super food hailing from Peru, is low-glycemic and packed with antioxidants, fiber, and protein. The Morning Delight is a hearty…
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