It was a beautiful spring day weather in central Florida. The kind of day to spend outdoors. Standley Pond offered free admision this Sunday for local families (regular price goes around 16/person). It was great. @latinfamilynow members highly encourage families to visit this place away from the ordinary and close enough to drive to.
In the farm there are horses, airboat rides, a fun zone with barn basketball, bouncing bulls, bouncy pillow, slide with a burlap potato sac, tricicles for everyone and much more!
They build up a sunflower patch where you can find your perfect flowers and hand pick them . It was a perfect day and a great family adventure!

It was well deserved to spend a day at the farm, we thank Standley Pond Adventure Farm for offering a free day . They are open every weekend and they do special activities for Christmas and Easter as well.
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