Chraistmas is not over yet! We still have 3 Kings Day and even if you dont celebrate it there are many friends and family to share with and also some great deals to shop for. Heres our picks of this season for those special gifts from Latin Family Now.

CHANTEUR DESIGNS – Super cute gold baby bracelet with pink flower , it can beckme a keepsake or a heirloom . 2 year old baby Luna loves it!

Fischer Price Smooth Moves dancing sloth . Full of educational activities and sounds. Promises lots of hours of fun and learning. Super cute and kids love this.
this Pure Stnergy powder jars are made fresh pure and simple. The powdee is basically dehidrated fruit or vegetables like beets, carrots or berries. Tastes super yummy and is a gift of health!

Cute outfits for post Christmas wear and weather. These on the picture where from. Dollar General store!!! Cool find under $10.
Pictionary Air ! What a fun game for kids of all ages ( yes teenagers love this too) . Great for family gun nights or any pajama party , not suitable for the little ones but highly recomend specially if you have teens.

A Robot Vacuum . Althoughtvit might sound weird , it is like giftimg freedom and extra time for the family. In the long run everyone will be grateful for this gift.
PJ Masks mask . How awesome and fun to become tour favorite characters and play pretend. This is a great find under $5. at Five and Below store.
Baby Shark dodo do dooo. Baby Shark! A singuing baby shark costume, it comes with the music too!!! We found this for around $20 at Walmart . Baby Luna doesnt eanna take it off!!!! Ever!
Some cookies and candy go on sale on Christmas day! We found Ritz crackers , Kinder chocolate eggs and Pepperidge Farm cookies at 50% in Wallgreens! What a great deal!
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