Archive For The “Women” Category

We got send a very special package, Dermafirm Skin Core Ultra Soothing R4 Technology. Here is our thoughts: Upon opening the package, we noticed the attention to detail and how many great ingredients this product has. It consisted of a 4-step process in which skin is cleaned, toned, humected and plump with a serum. The…

Sally Ride, America’s first woman in space, a pioneering astronaut, brilliant physicist and dedicated educator who inspired the nation, will be commemorated on a Forever stamp tomorrow. #SallyRideForever #AstronautStamps. The Sally Ride Forever stamp 5 p.m. PDT dedication ceremony, free and open to the public, will take place at the Price Center, University of California…

Some are bloggers some are entrepreneurs, some are social media experts, but what they all have in common is they are all moms. Orlando mom’s club got together to speak about businesses, motherhood, social media, bloggs and support each other’s business and life as a mom and woman. You are loved, valuable and we do…

Got this colors and had to try them!! The lipstick stays matte and most day long without bleeding outside the lips area! What an awesome product although it can feel a bit dry, it served the purpose of beautiful red lips without a mess! The nail polish has a lot of fun shades for this…

New Global Breakfast Trends and their Economic Impacts People across the planet, from Finland to Turkey to the United States, love their coffee. However, many countries are witnessing a change in their breakfast eating patterns and this has a direct impact on several industries including the coffee and orange juice consumption. Data compiled by ReportLinker…

Zelda Pajamas, Fingerlinks Care Bears UNION SUIT Pajama Onesies Builder Basic Fun Tape that conects with Legos Care Bears food tray Soft double sided Care Bears Pillow Surprizamals, Care Bears edition Dyland’s candy Marvel Universe Show tickets Nutckracker tickets! Beauty products,, , that are fabolous and scientifically perfect for your skin, Cyantific face wash…

The holidays are here! Whether you love seasonal flavors or need to brace yourself for family time, here are the season’s top sips – featuring fresh, unfiltered ginger beer to add some spice to the holidays. Cranberry Ginger Fizz ¾ C sugar ¾ C water 1 C fresh cranberries 1 lemon, cut into wedges ½…

Sometimes the littlest things are the most meaningful ones. Take for example the piddle paddle of little feet and a baby’s little toes and how cute they are, how those little hands and feet are so perfectly shaped and formed graciously. As a parent is something you cherish, and would like to keep somehow….

This good for you candy was send to me on my late preegnancy. I was told it was good for me and going to be great to take to the hospital on my bag. It was all true. The texture of the candy is an optical illusion of ice chips. Comes in different flavors and…

How an American Psychotherapist and Nigerian Educator Teamed Up To Boost The Literacy Rate in Africa American psychotherapist and author from New Hampshire, and one literacy educator from Ibadan, Nigeria, met spontaneously at an international literacy conference in Boston, and forged a professional relationship and partnership that transcend the world’s borders, political boundaries and time…

One of the coolest ways to keep a teenager hair looking good is a headband. Violet Love is not a girly babyish head decoration, it is perfect for cool teenagers on the go , When her hair is unruly or simply when she wants to keep her hair off her face, Violet love headband makes…

You are Not a Bear Just because the summer is over does not mean it is time to hibernate. Spend as much time as you can outdoors. It also reduces rumination and has a calming effect on the body and mind. If possible, walk your child to school. Walking to school has been shown to…

Mother’s milk, which consists of a complex and continually changing blend of proteins, fats and sugars, helps protect babies against bacterial infections. In the past, scientists have concentrated their search for the source of its antibacterial properties on the proteins it contains. However, an interdisciplinary team of chemists and doctors at Vanderbilt University have discovered…
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