Archive For The “safety” Category
Booster seats can reduce the risk of serious injury by 45 percent compared to seat belts alone Washington, D.C. – To coincide with National Child Passenger Safety Week, Safe Kids Worldwide released a new study today showing that while progress has been made in the last 10 years, an alarming number of children are still not properly buckled…

AS we welcome millions of people in Central Florida every year, we are very aware of safety and natural disasters that can occur in Florida related to weather. Hurricanes are particularly Hurricane Ian made landfall as a Category 4 storm near Cayo Costa, Florida. Ian has catastrophic winds with potential life-threatening conditions and property damage,…

Halloween is an exciting holiday- especially for those with children who are getting to go Trick or Treating. There are costumes to wear, masks and face painting, wigs and accessories to showcase. There are doorbells ringing, lights, noises and music playing as well as the plethora of yard decorations and fog machines which all add to…

El 1 de junio marca el inicio de la temporada de Huracanes en el Atlántico de 2019. Se recomienda a los residentes del Condado de Orange que tomen algunas medidas de preparación antes de un huracán para reducir los posibles daños que pudieran sufrir sus viviendas. Una de las herramientas más efectivas para evitar la…

Tras el paso de un huracán de gran magnitud, es probable que no cuente con energía eléctrica. Una opción para restablecer la corriente eléctrica en su casa es usar un generador portátil. Aunque los generadores son herramientas sumamente útiles, pueden ser muy peligrosos si no se usan correctamente. El Condado de Orange les pide a…

Vacations are usually meant to be relaxing, but traveling can cause increased stress on the body, and ultimately be a pain in the neck! The seats in airplanes, cars, trains, and buses are not always the most comfortable. With 80% of Americans suffering from back pain, the thought of a long trip can be discouraging….

Baby Luna got this portable high chair from Ciao Baby , and it has been a great addition to our family outings. The chair folds up like a beach or event chair and has a cover sleeve with a shoulder strap for carrying. It is very light weight and once open, it locks on place…

Be a Tease: Keep the details close to the heart. Profiles should tease, not disclose everything. Don’t provide personally identifiable information to a prospective dating match until there is an established level of familiarity and trust. This includes your hometown, home addresses, work specifics, phone numbers, educational background and information about children via…

As it turns out, you really can overdose on candy—or, more precisely, black licorice. Days before the biggest candy eating holiday of the year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages moderation if you enjoy snacking on the old fashioned favorite. So, if you’re getting your stash ready for Halloween, here’s some advice from…

Halloween can be an especially trying time for those with eating disorders or disordered eating patterns. There is the constant temptation of candy everywhere – at school, work, and for purchase right in front of you in the grocery or drug store. Parents who struggle with disordered eating can be particularly tempted when they…

For many families, Halloween is a chance to hold a fun pool party with a few spooky twists. Kids can dive for orange glow sticks, race around floating pumpkins or see who can collect the most skeleton bones! No matter what games you play, parents need to make sure their little goblins are safe…

You are Not a Bear Just because the summer is over does not mean it is time to hibernate. Spend as much time as you can outdoors. It also reduces rumination and has a calming effect on the body and mind. If possible, walk your child to school. Walking to school has been shown to…

Hurricane Harvey has devastated much of Southeastern Texas. Once the rain and floodwaters recede, it’ll be time to take stock and develop a recovery plan. The process may seem overwhelming. Here are a few tips and links to resources to help make the task less burdensome. Contact your insurance company. Ask what the next steps…

Back-to-school physicals are a summertime ritual for school-aged children and their families. But, for the estimated 27,000 children in Orange and Seminole counties who are uninsured, this annual rite of passage can be out of reach. For the fourth consecutive year, Shepherd’s Hope in partnership with Nemours Children’s Health System, is offering free back-to-school physicals and other medical…
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