Calling all adorable babies! The search for the first-ever Nanobébé coverbébé is on! Your little one could become the first face of nanobébé as the company’s “Spokesbaby.” Read on all for all the details on how your readers can enter their infant in nanobébé’s contest.

How To Enter:
- Post a picture of your baby with any nanobébé product (your profile must be on public to enter to win)
- In the caption, tell us why your baby should be nanobébé’s next coverbébé
- Tag @nanobebe_world and use #nanobebe and #coverbebe in the post
- Follow @nanobebe_world
Our panel will select one lucky coverbébé baby model, who will receive:
- An exclusive photoshoot with a high-end fashion photographer
- Full-page ad in Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine (a premier magazine for parents-to-be), using photos from the photoshoot
- 1-year subscription to Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine
- Inclusion in nanobébé nationwide campaigns
- Complete line of nanobébé products, including early access to new product launches
- Bragging rights of being nanobébé’s first coverbébé model
- nanobébé swag to represent and help those bragging rights!
About nanobébé
nanobébé is a brand dedicated to babies’ health. The company creates products that make safe and healthy feeding easy for parents and caregivers, without compromising on convenience and style. Its sleek and modern ecosystem of health-focused feeding essentials is a game changer for today’s breastfeeding moms, their family and above all… baby. nanobébé has gone from 0 to 2,000 store locations in under two months, and continues to gain momentum with retail giants nationwide. All nanobébé products are currently available at Target, BuyBuy Baby, Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, and
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