Archive For June 28, 2018

Simple and Effective Tips to Protect Children Try to Avoid Going Outdoors When Sun’s Rays are the Strongest – Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., children should avoid direct UV rays as best possible. For Infants Younger than 6 Months of Age, No Sun at All is Best – They can be at the beach…

Summer BreakSpot provides nutritious meals at no cost to children 18 and under while school is out for the summer. Many meal sites are located at places like parks, libraries and churches and offer breakfasts, lunches, snacks or supper. To find a location, visit our site finder map, text “FoodFL” to 877-877 or dial 2-1-1…

Kids ages 4-12 can enjoy the dinner buffet and a drink for just .99 cents ages 3 and under eat free During this limited time promotion, kids and parents will enjoy favorites like Chicken Tenders, Macaroni & Cheese, Fried Chicken Legs, and Mini Steakburgers alongside everything else on the dinner buffet. Families will also love…

Sea World Orlando will illuminate summer nights with the spectacular Electric Ocean. The event will make weekend evenings special until late summer when it will open to be experienced every night. Shows, lights, incredible stunts and much more will amaze the whole family. The creative director spoke with LatinFamilyNow about the production as we were…
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