Archive For May 31, 2017

Sending your kids away to summer camp can be stressful for parents, but with a little due diligence, the experience doesn’t need to cause stress. Here’s a helpful checklist to ensure that you choose the right camp for your family so you can relax and enjoy the summer. Camp Accreditation – Confirm that the…

This June marks Wild Florida’s seventh anniversary of providing visitors from all over the globe a world of adventure in the Middle of Nowhere. Celebrate with more than just airboat hair. Beginning this June, Wild Florida will offer everyone free admission to its Gator and Wildlife Park through the end of 2017. Get…

As we turn on the BBQ, the music and enjoy a day off, lets take a moment to remember and honor those who have fought for out freedom. Lets not forget what Memorial Day is all about. In Latin Family Now, we honor those who have passed and those who sacrifice day to day for…

Happy Birthday to Hello Kitty. This is the cute cat’s 40th birthday. Some of us grew close to her and her friends like Little Twin Stars, Keroppi, Pochaco and Tokidoki amongst many other cute Sanrio@ Characters. Loving this conmemorative 40th aniversary visor hat.

Babies have odd bodies and its hard to dress them up well. This month Luna Mia has plenty of cute outfits to wear thanks to the stylist of Wee Blessing. It is a new concept where professional stylist chooses outfits for your baby and/or kids. We all know how little time a new parent has,…

Planning your next beach vacation? While having fun in the sun, consider these five tips to make sure your trip is a healthy one. Avoid Tanning, Be Sun Safe Thinking about getting a “healthy tan” over vacation? Think again. Any increase in skin pigment (called “melanin”) is a sign of damage. Ultraviolet radiation from the…

Drowning is the leading cause of death for children at the beach, behind kidnappings. According to the CDC, “Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children aged 14 or younger.” From 2005-2014, there were an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States…

According to many studies babies that are held and in close contact with parents are more eager to become more independent adults , while being held- baby feel security and learns about how parents interact with the rest of the world. Baby- wearing offers a plethora of benefits for both parent and baby. But oftentimes,…

INGREDIENTS 3 cups seedless watermelon pieces 3 lemons, juiced ½ cup vodka ¼ cup fresh mint 2 cups Sparkling Ice Classic Lemonade DIRECTIONS In a blender, puree the watermelon and lemon juice, strain through a sieve into a drink pitcher. Add…

Many of us grew up going to the circus for fun. Generation to generation Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Barley has entertained thousands of families with “The Greatest Show on Earth”. When you think about circus there is something automatic that takes your mind to Ringling and their magnificent shows, hundreds of acts with clowns,…

1 in 3 businesses in the U.S. female owned and 500 women-owned businesses started in the U.S. everyday Do you feel stalled in your career? Do you feel underpaid, overworked, and without flexibility and autonomy over your time? If the answers are yes, then it may be time for you to lean out. Adding to…

It’s nearly peak wedding season, which also means peak honeymoon season. When it comes to keeping the magic alive for a lifetime, here’s what I know now: Forget about pre-marital counseling, or talking exhaustively about how to parent, where to live and how much to save for retirement. Turns out that song about…
War Child USA is an international award-winning charity that works with war-affected communities to help children reclaim their childhood through access to education, opportunity and justice. War Child works to protect children where the needs are greatest, operating in some of the most volatile regions of the world including South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Democratic Republic of…

The journey to parenthood is a rocky road for millions of couples. For the entire first year after going off birth control, Western medicine doesn’t even consider infer tility treatments. Perhaps this is because a successful pregnancy is a complex combination of body processes easily disrupted by our daily lives and environment. Current estimates are…
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